Sunday, June 15, 2014


There is something about waterfalls.  They are usually in places that are difficult to reach, but they are always worth the effort.  The waterfall that we visited yesterday was no exception.  It was a three hour hike (return) into the falls that I scored on the difficulty scale as an 8 out of 10.
We have had quite a bit of rain in the past week that made the hike more difficult.  The rocks were very slippery and we found it easier to walk in the shallow creek rather than trying to negotiate the sides of the creek.
Six of us set off at 11am.  We had decided in advance to have a bbq lunch at the top of the falls.  Richard was our pack-horse and carried all the food and bbq!  The other men did offer to carry some of the load but Richard is a mighty man and took it all the way...well done Richard! The first two-thirds of the journey into the falls are fairly easy going as we made our way along the creek.  When we reached the first of the smaller falls it became more difficult and by the time we reached the last climb to the big falls I almost had a panic attack.  My knees were telling me they were tired and I really didn't think I could make the climb but with gently persuasion from my darling husband I did it!
It was so worth the pain because the falls were spectacularly beautiful.  We sat on a rocky ledge at the base of the falls and I marvelled at the great walls of rock, interspersed with ferns, that surrounded us. It was a huge cavern.
Richard quickly unpacked the bbq and lunch makings and we settled at the base of the falls for a rest. Lunch was the tastiest meal I think I have ever eaten.  We were all hungry and quickly devoured the sausages, onion, coleslaw and kebabs.  I tried to put thoughts of the return journey out of my mind at this stage.  I was worried about the steep descent but as it turned out, it was easier than I thought.  Taking Di's advice I slid back down over the slippery rocks rather than climbing.  There were still a couple of tricky spots but the men were there with guiding hands.
I actually only slipped once on the rocks....all I could think was to save the camera!  And I did run into an ants nest that had me throwing camera, back-pack and shirt to the ground!  The only other little mis-hap was holding onto a jutting rock, while descending, that gave way and hit the inside of my leg.  A bit of a bruise (to the ego!)
Would I do it again?  Give me a few weeks to get over the aching bones, and yes.....probably!

The first half of the trek was relatively easy

It was easier to walk through the shallow water 

The first of the little falls

I would have been happy staying right here!

The first glimpse of the falls and knowing that I had a slippery climb in front of me.

Here at last!

The towering rock face that surrounded us

Chef Richard cooking us lunch

All along the way we found lots of varieties of fungi.  This variety looked like coral.

And this variety were little cups holding water
A very happy me after the climb to the top of the falls.

Base Camp at last!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Judi it looked like a marvellous walk - if not a little strenuous! Amazing how cool it gets in the rain forest too...

    How did you insert that little video into your post? Inquiring minds would love to know!!
